Society is filled with people who like to take the easy route.
Why is that?
Because psychologically and from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes more sense for the brain to take the easy path instead of the hard one to achieve the same or similar results.
Instead of logging in years at the gym to build a muscular physique, a man may choose to inject or ingest synthetics.
Many don't realize how large a part our diet plays in testosterone production. To get the "T Factory" running, the glands in our bodies need minerals like zinc and magnesium. Cells near the testicles called Leydig cells are responsible for producing the male sex hormone. But in order to do this, it needs cholesterol.
Below are the three best ways to help your body boost testosterone naturally.
1. Consume Test Boosting Food
Estrogen, the female sex hormone, must be lowered in order to increase levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone.
Certain foods such as cabbage, chia seeds, and olive oil can help boost your T levels by removing estrogen from the body. Additionally, research has shown olive oil may help the Leydig cells absorb and utilize cholesterol more efficiently.
Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale contain magnesium and zinc which, as previously mentioned, can aid in testosterone production.
Chicken, fish, turkey, and lean cuts of beef provide our bodies with the building blocks of muscle- protein.
The equation is simple: The more muscle you have, the more testosterone.
Beef also has cholesterol which is vital to the Leydig cells as well. It's important to note there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. When choosing beef, make sure it is as lean as possible. As you strive to reach your goals, you don’t want to sacrifice your overall health by consuming a lot of unnecessary fat, especially trans-fat.
A list of foods that contain good cholesterol is provided later in this report.
Brazil nuts and walnuts are also a great and healthy way to provide Leydig cells with cholesterol.
Other great foods that will help boost your T levels are:
Additional considerations when raising your testosterone levels naturally are:
2. Take the Right Supplements
Proper supplementation can make a somewhat arduous journey less challenging.
Omega-3 fish oil has been shown to increase the production of hormones that are responsible for triggering the testes to produce testosterone. You want to consume the good fats to offset any of the bad ones that may be present with the increase of red meat consumption.
To boost low testosterone levels, consider supplementing with D-aspartic acid. It's a natural amino acid that stimulates the production of Leydig cells. The result is that the body can produce more T.
Vitamin D3 is also important to take. Many people are concerned (and understandably so) about the detrimental effects of too much exposure to the sun. When they do head outside, SPF is used which inhibits sufficient vitamin D from being absorbed by the skin. So, if you aren't getting enough sun, you may have a Vitamin D3 deficiency.
Fenugreek is one of the more popular herbs that may help boost testosterone. Research suggests it works by reducing the enzymes responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen.
There's no shortage of men living a contemporary lifestyle that's unhealthy. If you feel you are dealing with low T levels, consult with your physician as needed, conduct thorough research, and supplement with products that can help.
3. Exercise Regularly
Eating all the garlic sautéed low-fat beef and broccoli in the world isn't going to have much of an impact on your testosterone levels if you don’t exercise properly.
By that I mean you must start lifting weights (heavy weights) regularly and consistently. Doing a bunch of jumping jacks or a quick circuit on machines won't cut it.
Exercises that utilize large muscle groups are correlated with increasing T.
Follow the tips below to maximize your testosterone production with exercise:
In mature adults and the elderly, vibrant T levels are still important lowering the risk of disease, sexual function, and general health.
To learn more about how ABC Restorative Health can help you raise your testosterone levels, call (888) 555-1212 or CLICK HERE today.
(NOTE: The hyperlinks in the original articles are represented by bold italics text.)
As a health copywriter and fitness copywriter, I wrote a series about how to boost testosterone.
You may be aware that becoming a father will permanently change your life, but you may not be aware of how. Though Amazon has countless books about parenting, nothing can truly prepare you for the pleasures and pitfalls of fatherhood.
Knowing what to expect is a good start and may reduce the number of headaches you’ll encounter on the road ahead. Before the baby arrives, she (or he) will create changes in your life that will impact your relationship, intimate time with your partner, and your sleep.
Navigating the treacherous waters of a first-time dad can be daunting, but the journey will be much smoother if you keep the following tips in mind as you enter the world of parenthood.
After the baby arrives, several experts agree that relationships can disintegrate because partners lose their connection. When you become a parent and the reality of the situation sets in, your partner and you will become immersed in your new roles.
However, it’s very important that you schedule regular time for the two of you to connect without the baby. Quality time can be as simple as grabbing a cup of coffee or as romantic as having dinner by candlelight at your favorite restaurant.
What’s most important is that you keep the bond with your partner strong.
Prioritizing your relationship could also be in the form of giving each other “me” time.
If you are working all day and your partner is at home with the baby (or vice versa), both of you will benefit greatly from having time every week to decompress.
Again, the process doesn’t have to be complicated. You or your partner could take a walk, see a movie or take a nap in peace.
Women and men are faced with similar concerns when they become new parents. However, men tend to focus on responsibilities that are more financial such as the cost of raising a child. Frequently, parenting, anxiety, and stress are a combination that can’t seem to be avoided.
Although you are becoming a father, you don’t have to lose your independence or give up the things you love. Time for your hobbies and interests will now require more planning and different placement on your list of priorities.
You aren’t the only first-time dad that may struggle with balancing work, money, career, doubts, and fears. It’s quite normal to have a sea of emotions in your head at this time.
Make sure you speak to your partner about what you’re experiencing so they don’t feel alienated. An open discussion will also better equip you for challenges that may lie ahead.
Overall, the best way to navigate being a first-time dad is to help where you can.
The only child-rearing activity that’s exclusively reserved to the mother is breastfeeding. Change diapers. Give the baby a bath. Take on your fair share of night shifts. Just touching your baby has a positive impact on your baby’s development.
Friends and family will try to give you advice. But when the baby arrives, the best person to listen to is your partner.
As a health and fitness copywriter, I also write about wellness. Here's a segment from an article.
Unfortunately, most of society believes that getting a pot belly, love handles, and balding are part of the natural aging process.
Many feel love handles are just a part of life that’s never to be questioned like the rising and setting of the sun. They are a part of life that’s never to be questioned.
That couldn’t be further from the truth!
The flawed thinking is probably a result of kids seeing the fathers of friends or even their own father as an out of shape old man who wears dress socks with sandals.
“Dad bod” is a real thing. The receding hairline. The beer gut. The back hair. The jaw that’s far from chiseled. All of it comes together to form the stereotypical dad who just wants to sit on the couch and watch television after dinner.
The man of any age who is lean, healthy, and in shape is far less common than he should be.
Sure. In areas like Los Angeles or Miami Beach, guys have full manes of hair and abs carved from stone. But those regions are not indicative of the rest of the world.
But if a person learns about living a healthy lifestyle and stays active, they will come to the very real understanding that testosterone decline is not an inevitable part of the aging process.
According to Australian scientists, men who stay active physically and eat proper foods can maintain hormone levels in the ideal range.
Researcher David Handelsman, MD, Ph.D., Director of the ANZAC Research Institute at the University of Sydney said, ''What we found was when you consider all the possible influences, age had no effect on testosterone levels in these very healthy men."
He added, ''By itself, age does not cause lower testosterone in healthy men. It's more likely that lowering of testosterone is a consequence of illnesses men acquire as they get older, like cardiovascular disease and obesity.”
These findings were presented in Boston at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society.
To be fair, there are a few experts who feel the results are a representation of only a small percentage of the population of aging men.
However, if a person were to genuinely make improvements in their diet and exercise routine, they will undoubtedly notice a change in their overall level of physical fitness and performance in the bedroom…
Having said that, it’s worth mentioning that research on testosterone can be considered inconclusive. For every article that says having optimum levels of testosterone can elevate your mood, there is another article that says high testosterone can lead to fits of anger.
It’s difficult to say whether testosterone in an optimal range (which should be measured by your health care practitioner) elevates your mood or your mood is elevated because you are eating right and exercising.
Also, the debate can be made that you are better in bed because of increased testosterone. But it can also be made that you are a better lover because you no longer have pounds of visceral fat around your midsection.
Regardless of the correct position, one thing is certain.
It has been proven in countless studies that after a man examines his low energy, libido, and muscle mass, then decides to do something about it, that person has a better quality of life physically and often sexually.
If executed properly, a common thread throughout the process will be a natural elevation in testosterone levels. If you T is on the low side and you are a bit older, you may not look like you did at 25.
But you will look and feel better than all your friends from high school.
As you embark on your journey of improved physical health, increased testosterone will be a part of that if the strategy is executed properly. The inevitable Chicken or The Egg argument will continue. Are the increases in a man’s physical performance and elevated mood the result of increased testosterone or is it a result of being in better shape due to a cleaner diet and exercise which led to the increase in the first place?
Either way, a body that has optimal testosterone levels is a phenomenal machine. If you were at the top end of the optimal range, you may notice the following improvements:
For the best results, it's best to put your body into a situation that allows it to become a testosterone-producing machine. But too many men opt for the easy route and rely on ineffective pills or fraudulent or topical creams.
If you to perform better in the bedroom, have more energy, and build lean muscle, contact ABC Restorative Health to learn how we can help.
Call (888) 555-1212 or CLICK HERE today.
(NOTE: The hyperlinks in the original articles are represented by bold italics text.)
As a fitness copywriter, I can create engaging content designed to attract & educate your readers.